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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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RBK Gloves

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Just stumbled across these.

Not sure which teams are going to be equipped by RBK but this is what their gloves for the 06 Olympics will look like.


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Oh. My. God.

These better be retail or at least available for custom order. These are the most beautiful things Ive ever seen. I would buy an entire custom order of 6-12 of them just to get my hands on one pair.

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Not retail really but you can get them "semi-custom" so to say through the RBK distributor if you pre order them now. However they will only place one order and are asking 79 Eur which is roughly 110$. They will be delivered around christmas. I think I´ll have to ask them if they can get other teams as well ;)

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Not retail really but you can get them "semi-custom" so to say through the RBK distributor if you pre order them now. They are 79 Eur which is roughly 110$ and will be delivered around christmas. I think I´ll have to ask them if they can get other teams as well ;)

Those things only cost $110??? No way dude, don't mess with me man.

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Ive seen them too, they look so neat, i'd buy them but i just got new gloves.

Even tho, its pretty dangerous in germany, cause we dont have this patriotism like you guys over there.. but f*ck, these are gloves, just gloves.

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