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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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pro tacks to xx's

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what should i expect i wore them this morning and had some trouble but will they be easy to et used to?

p.s. i searched and couldnt find anything too helpful

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Well they fit alot different because I wear vapor XXX's and I love them but I tried a pair of pro tacks on befor and they felt horrible on my feet ,so if the pro tacks fit you should stick with them over the XX's.

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ya actually i tried the new pro tacks on and didnt feel good on my feet.... the xx's felt great by the end of practice i just cant skate on them... i guess it wasnt really a question but i just want to know how long u think it will take to get used to them

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I just picked up a pair or XX's today too coming from the Vector Pros and they feel pretty good. I have some ice time tonight and let you know how I make out.

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ya actually i tried the new pro tacks on and didnt feel good on my feet.... the xx's felt great by the end of practice i just cant skate on them... i guess it wasnt really a question but i just want to know how long u think it will take to get used to them

If the problem is in the arch, they may never feel "right"

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ya actually i tried the new pro tacks on and didnt feel good on my feet.... the xx's felt great by the end of practice i just cant skate on them... i guess it wasnt really a question but i just want to know how long u think it will take to get used to them

If the problem is in the arch, they may never feel "right"

I found that changing the footbeds helped alot. You can also change the radius to 11' if you like the CCM feel. You may also have to get the pitch moved up a bit too. Tuuk holders tend to put you back on your heels out of the box.

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i got a fowards radius put on right when i got them... ive only used them once so we'll see ill add more tomorrow after i skate

Forwards radius? ugh, don't tell me you have one of those sharpeners who think all forwards should have one setup and defensemen another. I hate those guys.

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idk i had protacks and the first month i couldnt skate on them so i got the radius done and it helped me tremendously so i got it done on my xx's

edit: the skate sharpeners were different guys at different places

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