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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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perani's Livonia

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In case anyone is interested the Perani's in Livonia has a big selection of right and left pro stock synergies and sicores. They are on their own rack by the other retail one pieces. They also have a smaller section of other company pro stock one pieces over by the blades, that have been their for a long time. They also have the new bauer tapered blade and budget one piece and nike standard composite blade. These are over in their new expanded section to the left when you walk in.

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Oh sure, rub it in . In my town we have 2 small hockey shops. Neither of them have yet to get a single VApor XX and the owner took (for himself)the only xn10 that he got so far. I live in a hockey equipment desert!!!!!! BTW I got those easton "european curve" synthesis blades from EASTWEST hockey yesterday and they are SWEEEEEETTT!!!!! The curve is PERFECT!!!

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Oh sure, rub it in . In my town we have 2 small hockey shops. Neither of them have yet to get a single VApor XX and the owner took (for himself)the only xn10 that he got so far. I live in a hockey equipment desert!!!!!! BTW I got those easton "european curve" synthesis blades from EASTWEST hockey yesterday and they are SWEEEEEETTT!!!!! The curve is PERFECT!!!

You're lucky compared to what I have in my town.

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If it wasnt for the internet I would be pretty hosed as well.

The stuff players bench gets in is way to sparse and unpredicatable.

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