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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Are CCM skates shallow or average, narrow or wide?

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Well, thanks to you guys, I figured out that my skates don't fit properly--too shallow for my foot, they visibly failed the "third eyelet test" without having to even use a pen or ruler. So, I need to look for new skates with a deeper boot. The question--am I looking for skates with a deep or an average boot, and wide or regular? If the Externo (a fantastic skate, btw) is considered "shallow" I probably need to start with a boot that's considered average. Width-wise, the CCM fits great--is it "wide" or "narrow"?

I figure I will try on a lot of skates, but I'd like to know where I should think about starting--not that many LHS near me and I'd like to figure out which ones carry skates which are likely to fit me before taking a long drive.

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You're slowing down JR, I had to wait a whole minute for a response. Actually, you're the one who's making me spend more money, since it was your post in the first place that made me measure my skates. :P


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You're slowing down JR, I had to wait a whole minute for a response. Actually, you're the one who's making me spend more money, since it was your post in the first place that made me measure my skates. :P


i have the same problem with my easton, and even with my ccm vectors, but im just sticking with it and playing through.

i recomend nike flexlite series, or v series, they deep.

duno about ccms

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