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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I just saw floorball Floorball Canada for the first time this weekend and it's a cool sport. I'm going to try to start playing it because it's a great dryland/offseason sport.

It's similar to street hockey, but I talked to enough players who told me that they think of it as a completely different sport. The biggest difference is it's a running sport, but it also puts more of a premium on skill with the floorball stick, so it seems it would create better hand-eye coordination.

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Lacrosse - will give you hands to die for like gary roberts.

basketball - good alternative when not playing hockey... just set up a basketball board and ring at front of your garage or at yer backyard and voila instant total body workout.

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A USA hockey regional guy mentioned that coaches should encourage kids to play other sports and not to discourage it. The debate about kids playing soccer in the fall and missing some initial practices was the topic. He said that if a college coach for example were to have to choose from 2 players of similar skills, the one that plays multiple sports would get the choice. He said that playing multiple sports develop the body and mind better than focusing on just one at a Junior level.

Now, If I can just get my wife to get my son out of violin lessons :)

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