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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Anyone use the "One-Up" chasis?

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Anyone here using the one up chasis?

78mm, 80mm, 72mm, 72mm

On their wheel setups?

I've read that you can change the "One-Up" chasis to Hi-Lo by just changing the back wheel to 80mm.


The same could be said about Hi-Lo chasis'....changing the 80mm back wheel to 78mm.

Bauer states it helps with quicker stops and more manuevering.

Anyone used this chasis? Or try changing their Hi-Lo?

Better performance? Waste of time?

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Yea im using the one up chassis right now on my Nike Hi-Ho Silver II's.

I really dont like the "One Up" setup just because you somewhat rock, and also the back wheel wears down really fast. I used it for a while and once i changed back to the Hi-Lo setup i was much happier. All the wheels would be on the floor compared to the One Up.

I personally like the Hi-Lo setup better. And i am also not very happy with my Nike Hi-Ho II's because they are very weak on the ankles now and there not comfortable anymore. Im going to get the 10,000 skates from Mission and i woul say stick with the Hi-Lo setup.

Four on the Floor

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