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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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paypal claim experiences

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Alot of buyers do ask if I except Paypal but I prefer just personal checks or money orders. Paypal would just be one more PIA click to follow up on with completing a sale. If the buyer can't get a check or money order together, I can't help that.

My favorite sale is the Canadian Eskimo who sent me $80 Canadian cash for a pair of Vapor 6 pants that were $86 US! I contacted him but he never got back to me! What is $80 Canadian = in US $?

Life goes on................

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Paypal actually got my money for me when I put in a claim. I was actually pleasantly surprised because I have heard the horror stories. I still have a bit of faith in them.

As others have said, don't link them to your bank account. That is not so good, as it provides them some control.

Again, document everything. Provide, or ask for tracking numbers, signed receipt of the item, etc. as buyers or sellers if you are using Ebay or something similar. Most guys on here have been very good to deal with in that respect.

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