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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shooting with wood VS composite

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i swear... i used to shoot it nicely low or in the top corner...now 1 shot out of 5( approx) are good the 4 other are just slower than my wristshot and ''collecting ice''

Remember at 13yr i was 5'10-11 and about 165lbs if not 170...at 15yr(going on 16 in 3 month) i'm 6'0-1 180lbs...so i didn't get really heavier or anything...

at my hockey camp(one at a hockey school, and the other one at my summer camp(to make the team) we had radar contest so the coach could see how ''strong'' we are...no joke i was shooting about 20-25kmh higher than anybody...

by comparaison..i can't remember exactly what was my number...but my shot was as hard as a good slap shot guy at bantam and so-so midget

My father and I, can't see what happened to me but oh well...i started using a cyclone 95 flex(compared to my 55-60 flex old wood) that i couldn't really flex so i started only using wrist shot...and maybe i lost my ''technique''

Dude, we need to skate together this winter. I'll show you how its done :D

I like shooting with composite way better because of the release and the ability to use a lower flex, even though my slapshots are better with wood. I`d rather play with a good wood sticks than a crappy composite one.

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