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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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bauer bure pattern

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does anyone remember the stats on the old bauer pavel bure pattern? i think it had a more square toe but i dont remember what kind of curve it had or any other info on it.

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lol, my bad I was wrong

what you could do though is email The Hockey Shop and see if they have any Vapor 6 blades left. I might be wrong but I thought I saw some the last time I was in. They were in left btw.

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thanks guys, and to avoid a new thread do you guys happen to know what the specs are on the nike legwand blade? sorry if im being annoying :]

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thanks guys, and to avoid a new thread do you guys happen to know what the specs are on the nike legwand blade? sorry if im being annoying :]

They changed PT3 to Naslund and the Bauer P92 is a Naslund

It's a Sakic clone with 6 lie

Mid Curve

Moderate Depth

1/2 Curve Size

Open Face

Medium Blade Length

look at the top right corner of the site and click Pattern DB.

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I googled Legwand Nike and got this info, not sure how true it is because I've never used the blade myself nor know much about lies:

Legwand- toe- open face- round toe- lie 6

I've used the Bure blades as well, they were great.. I also really LOVED the Tverdovsky blades, then the Nike Lecavaliers.. now I'm in limbo with blades concerning OPS' and blade/shaft combos if i ever want get a new stick ever again. :(

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what you could do though is email The Hockey Shop and see if they have any Vapor 6 blades left. I might be wrong but I thought I saw some the last time I was in. They were in left btw.

if they have any left the wood would be stale because the vapor 6 blade hasnt been around for along time if im not mistaken that was the harpoon blade on the vapor 6

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yeah i bought a synergy and used it in a summer league but to tell you the truth i dont like it. i really want to go back to either a 85 flex z bubble or try out a xn10 or redlite xn10 shaft (dont know which of the 3 to buy yet) with a wood blade. it just seems that all the wood blades i have liked in the past are becoming extinct :[

EDIT: i think i found the page on google that has the nike curves, it says

Lemieux- mid/heel- open face- round toe-lie6

Lecavalier-mid- open face- round toe- lie 5

Brind'Amour- heel- open face- square toe- lie 6

Legwand- toe- open face- round toe- lie 6

Hejduk- toe/mid- straight face- round toe- lie 6

dang that makes me wish i had some hejduks to try out :/

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yeah i bought a synergy and used it in a summer league but to tell you the truth i dont like it. i really want to go back to either a 85 flex z bubble or try out a xn10 or redlite xn10 shaft (dont know which of the 3 to buy yet) with a wood blade. it just seems that all the wood blades i have liked in the past are becoming extinct :[

EDIT: i think i found the page on google that has the nike curves, it says

Lemieux- mid/heel- open face- round toe-lie6

Lecavalier-mid- open face- round toe- lie 5

Brind'Amour- heel- open face- square toe- lie 6

Legwand- toe- open face- round toe- lie 6

Hejduk- toe/mid- straight face- round toe- lie 6

dang that makes me wish i had some hejduks to try out :/

Lemieux is a Drury

Brindy is a Lidstrom

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