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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Holder swap

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I'm just wondering if it's possible to put a 288 lightspeed holder on a CCM Vector 6.5 skate size 10? I know the size is right but Is the pitch right and would I break steel very often? Thanks for the help.

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Yes you could but WHY???? Bauer steel sucks, even the new LS2. It's better than LS but still worse than CCM. CCM steel rarely breaks. CCM hardware does not rust, is easier to tighten. Absolutely no reason to change. The performance of the two holders is nearly identical.

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Yes you could but WHY???? Bauer steel sucks, even the new LS2. It's better than LS but still worse than CCM. CCM steel rarely breaks. CCM hardware does not rust, is easier to tighten. Absolutely no reason to change. The performance of the two holders is nearly identical.

Just because CCM steel has been nothing but trouble for me. Lots of pitting. Plus I love the LS holder, I just figured it'd be more convinient and hesseless without the problems of pitting from CCM AGAIN.

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i whanted to have my prolite swap for my LS2...and once i had my LS2 mounted on my ccm tack...i didn't even found a difference...i mean for all the trouble and the money it cost me(70cnd) it was no way worth the trouble doing it...

i might have lost 20gr, and the prolite3 has a perfect pitch for me....with a profile i got the same thing as my prolite..only PROS: i found the LS2 steel holding edge a bit more...(maybe 1-2 more ice item)

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i couldn't skate on my epro, well i could but not as well. i thought it was mental, but after comparison, the radius of the steels were different and finally realized the problem. if you can find the radius you're best at, no need to change.

i guess radius is same as pitch?

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i guess radius is same as pitch?

not really. pitch is the forward angle of the skate when resting level. radius isnt (too lazy write now to write it out, there are loads of topics on radius vs pitch etc, just do a search)

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