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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Inno curves

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Can someone tell me what those 3 curves were/are like? Not sure if they were older names used for curves that are now made under a different name or if those are discontinued patterns.

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Selanne was a mid heel, open, almost perfectly square toe, chunky profile, 5 lie, short hosel. It was probably the most overbuilt of all the inno blades. It was a beast.

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Assuming it's Turgeon's pro, it's just a Modano. I don't know about Paul, maybe it's Kariya's? If so that's been on here a lot.

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Assuming it's Turgeon's pro, it's just a Modano.  I don't know about Paul, maybe it's Kariya's?  If so that's been on here a lot.

I was told they were all retail patterns at a time. I remember seeing Inno blades with the Paul but I can´t remember what they were like nor have I ever seen the others.

Ps: Thanks Keith.

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