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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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banned substances

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I was just watching the news and a dietician said that gatorade/sportsdrinks are considered a "regenative aid" and are therefore banned in the olympics. Anyone know about this being true or not? I just thought it was quite odd.

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I was just watching the news and a dietician said that gatorade/sportsdrinks are considered a "regenative aid" and are therefore banned in the olympics. Anyone know about this being true or not? I just thought it was quite odd.

That's pretty funny.......... This just in, Mario Lemieux banned from Olympic games after gatorade scandal.

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I was just watching the news and a dietician said that gatorade/sportsdrinks are considered a "regenative aid" and are therefore banned in the olympics. Anyone know about this being true or not? I just thought it was quite odd.

food is also a regenerative aid. that dietician is a flaming moron. all gatorade is is water, with carbohydrates and electrolytes (basically salt and magnesium). it's like drinking a fruit/vegetable juice with sugar and and no pulp.

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Very funny!

Or sad... :lol:

However we have a big discussion here in Italy about doping for the upcoming winter olimpics.

The problem is that we have a much stronger regulation about doping than the olimpic organization due to the continue cycling scandals.

If they found someone using forbidden substance he will risk jail and not only disqualifing.

So the problem is that Pro players that use substance that are allowed in they country but not in Italy they risk a lot of bad consequences.

The president of italian olimpic organizations has a asked to not apply this law during olympics to the politicians, but for now no decisions have been made.

I wonder if someone has heard something about it outside Italy.

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