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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ogie Oglethorpe

PREVIEW of the Salming Protector Lite Pant

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OK, I know these typically should go in the review section. However, these pants are not for me, so I will not get a chance to try them on or skate in them before reviewing them. In fact, they're not even my size (but, had to buy a pair of replacement pants for a buddy.... long story, but they're not for me).

SO, I figured many out there might be like me, and have seen SalmingUSA's Protector Lite pants and wondered what they're like, so, since I have a pair in my hands, I figured I'd give a PREVIEW of the pants I got through Jason (aka SalmingUSA).

Product: Salming Protector Lite (sm)

Reviewer specs: 6-1, 215 lbs. (too big to fit into a small - again, these are not for me


OK, as previously mentioned, I had to get these pants as a replacement to a pair I wrecked goofing around with a buddy of mine. Sure, his were tore up, but, you cause the damage, you're on the hook. So, I looked around for a pair that I thought would be a step up for him (hey, for the inconvenience if nothing else). I looked at quite a few at my LHS, but I'd been eying a pair of the Salming pants for a while now, so after checking other options I figured I'd give this a buy for my buddy, then if I liked them based off of what I see, buy them in my size once my Hespeller RTX's finally crap out. Jason (aka SalmingUSA) also gave me a nice hook up price wise (the MSH discount, I suppose) so that sealed the deal (plus, I've dealt with Jason/SalmingUSA before and he's real easy to work with and quite reliable).


Front thigh is excellent. Precurved (on one side too much pre-curve - FedEx had a box smush one side causing a slight warp, but it was easily corrected with no notable defect). Inside of the front thigh is nicely padded with comfy foam (unlike my RTX).

Rear lower leg only has slash padding (1/4 inch foam by the looks of things) but the padding from the hip section comes down pretty far so I can't imagine this is going to be an issue. It is on line with all other pants I've seen, so wouldn't call it under padded.

Kidney/Hip area is STELLAR. Very nicely and perhaps overly protected.

Butt, tailbone, and high spine also are well protected (this is the first pant I've checked out up close with a raised spine guard - I dig it).


This has a dual belt design that will negate needing any suspenders. The pant has the stretchy gauze like spandex (VERY thick) that cuts the pant in half through the crotch, guaranteeing a near perfect fit for everyone. Also, the pant has have a vent mesh in a crescent shape going from the lower crotch up over the hip bone all the way into the back crotch area. Leg mobility should be excellent as a result of the mesh and stretchy spandex. Pant is a bit heavy (in comparison to my minimalist RTX's), but on par with all other pants of this protection level that I checked out. The interior of the pant is lined with a soft, bright blue anti-bacterial, spongy-like lining. This is far, far, far nicer and more comfy than my Hespellers with their nylon interior.


The lower section is apparently removeable for easy cleaning (including, by the looks of things, the front thigh pad - although it may take some wrestling to do so). The thing I like about the craftsmanship is the stitching. Unlike my Hespellers that just have one simpe stitch co-joining sections (that can easily fray - although mine has in only a few areas) they have a great system where there is a 1cm "bubble" stitch that sews the seem together in addition to the co-join stitch (like a little cuff, if you will, around all the top, lower leg, cup flap, etc). I think this will equate to a longer life. The pant zipper seems very well done. The velcro that hides/protects the zipper is large without being overbearing, and positioned such that I can't imagine them catching as the insides of your thigh may rub while skating.


I believe this will be a high level pant in regards to protection. The nylon used seems quite heavy-weight, and I think will stand up quite well. Asthetically speaking, I think they're a good looking pant too (quite distinctive in the cut, design, etc). The inner blue anti-bacterial foam lining looks and feels VERY comfy.

The only two things that might concern me long term would be the bright blue finish of the lining - will it stain easily with sweat? I mean, it's the interior - so who cares. But, I'd hate to see a brown sweat stain and people to confuse it with.... well, you catch the drift. Not sure if this WILL happen, just sort of think it's a possibility. Also have to wonder if it will put on weight as the absorbent liner might retain water/sweat during the game (but, seriously, how much weight could that be realistically?).

My second concern is with the vent mesh (not the stretchy spandex stuff that runs front/back through the crotch as that's quite thick, but the mesh venting that goes crescent like over the hip). The mesh does look quite well constructed, but the mesh holes are big. I have had jerseys that had looked to be of similar material and it used to get caught on stuff (boards, jagged stick edges, etc) and rip. While the mesh seems quite well constructed, it'd be another area I'd wonder about long term due to my prior experiences with similar material.

Overall I'd find the fit, finish, and protection level of this pant (again, just doing a extensive once over but not skating in them) to be on par with pants in the $80-120 range that I had checked out. The pant I almost went with was the Mission M1, and I am happy I went with this option instead as I think the protection is at least the same (perhaps better), the styling and features sort of sets it apart, and the way the M1 inner thigh zipper was designed I was afraid of it catching while skating (which I don't think will be an issue with the Salming Protector Lite). Plus, it really DOES look like it will be comfy.

For more, PM SalmingUSA or go to his website at www.salmingUSA.com

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