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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Strained/Sprained Shoulder Muscle

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A few weeks ago I was hit farly hard and just went into the boards funny and I injured my shoulder. I went to the doctor and she said I have a strained/sprained shoulder muscle joint or something like that. Have you guys had any experience with this injury or similar injuries? and do you know if there is anything I can do to get back as quickly as possible. Obviously resting it would be the obvious thing to do but if theres anything else could you let me know. Not being able to play hockey or do any other physical things sucks and its hard to just sit around. So thanks for any tips.



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Theres not really alot you can do besides rest it. I fell akward one time taking ashot and it still bugs me a year later. They told me mine was just a slight case of tendinitis but it hasnt felt the same since. Only thing to do is let it heal then hit the gym and work out to strengthen the joint back up

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I'm naturally loose jointed in both shoulders and have been known to sleep with my shoulder "dislocated" which sometimes causes sore shoulders in the morning. Last month I took two good falls on my shoulder in game, after the second fall I had to do the wounded player bit and stagger off the ice after I got up. I ended up sparining/straining my right shoulder to the point where I could barely move it.

My rehab was fairly easy. I kept my shoulder as imobile as possible for the first few days. A sling would have been better, but I didn't have one. I made sure to spend some time soaking it at night, hot baths or hot tub if you have access. Floating in a swimming pool for a while could be nice too as it would help take some of the weight off. I also iced it down for a day or so. When you're sitting and watching TV put an ice pack under it or a heat pack, whichever you prefer. I also took an anti-inflamitory for a couple of days (Ibuprofin works great (advil, motrin)).

I hurt my shoulder on a saturday night and tried to practice that next thursday. Bad idea! I made a slap shot and my whole arm went numb for a few seconds. I quit practice at that point and only skated. All in all I missed 2 weeks of playing with my team. I did skate with my coach, but we kept it just at skating.

Your condition may be worse than mine and you should ALWAYS follow the direction of your physician. This was just my experience. Take it easy for a bit and give your body time to heal. Unless your being paid to play I don't see any reason why you should push yourself in getting back on the ice.


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I bruised my AC joint (sounds like what you did) I played a week later even though I shouldn't have and it was painful. Hurts for a few weeks and then it feels better.

I second listening to your doctor.

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I got taken down during a game a while back and took the whole impact on my shoulder. Hurt for weeks. About all you can do is rest it, and gradually start building strength back up. When I went back to the gym, I did low weights/high reps for a long time to get back to normal.

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I have what my doctor thinks is a torn muscle in my shoulder. Hurts like a b*tch. I am going for my third cortizone shot this year on Wednesday. :(

I am going to get an MRI on it next year sometime....hopefully it won't require surgery.

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I bruised my AC joint (sounds like what you did) I played a week later even though I shouldn't have and it was painful.

I remember that! You were arguably our best player out there too...

See kids, always play in pain- no matter what. ;)

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I bruised my AC joint (sounds like what you did) I played a week later even though I shouldn't have and it was painful.

I remember that! You were arguably our best player out there too...

See kids, always play in pain- no matter what. ;)

It just shows how dedicated of a player I am.. playing through pain to take my team to the ultimate goal.

Not only that, if I didn't play we were pretty much screwed considering who was on the team after you and I.

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Not only that, if I didn't play we were pretty much screwed considering who was on the team after you and I.

This is true...

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