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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Selling Equipment To The UK

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Hi there everybody.

Just wondering if anybody would be willing to ship various hockey items to the uk.

I mean such things skate holders, runners,steel, fixing nuts/bolts screws etc.

I need things like graf cobra steel, ccm steel, just general run of the mill stuff.

The reason im asking this is due to the fact that im running my small repair business,our 'official' suppliers over here will not supply to smaller ventures unless they have business premisis eg retail outlet, then it all depends on your location cause they dont want to many suppliers in one area.

Let me know if anybody is willing.



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Not sure what customs is like there, but I am from Ireland, and live in the US now, when I was shipping home presents for christmas, they charged 24% VAT to the receiver.

You may want to check that out before arranging any shipping. If you spend a couple of hundred then get hit with the VAT on your side too, you couldbe donald ducked

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It just depends on how you are sending the package and what you mark up on the package.

I have regular items coming into the uk but no VAT duty to pay as the parcel comes with whats in the parcel,at a reduced rate (But i get the normal price invoiced)

I dont need vast quantitys of stuff, just the odd bits and peices.

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