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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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looking for a stick recommendation

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just to give you an idea of what's going on, I got a synergy Si core stick, and I love it with regards to shooting, but I find that I cannot receive a pass to save my life, always seems to hit the blade and bounce off of it (anyone else notice this or just me?)

prior to using it, I was using a 2 piece stick, and had no problems, so I began to wonder if it's me or the stick...I no doubt believe it's partly me, but I realised though that the height of the blade on the synergy is much shorter than my 2 piece (ultra carbon easton with a thornton ccm blade)

I tried going back to the 2 piece but my shooting seems to really suffer, I got really well used to the synergy and for some reason it was so bad that I could barely get the puck off the ice with my 2 piece when taking a slapshot, wrists were fine

there's clearly improvement needed to be made on my part, so instead of using a stick that may be potentially masking my lack of skill, I want to go back to basics and get me a wood one and relearn the basics .. as well as I need a stick for the outdoor rink and would rather not use my synergy

I weight about 190, am 6'0, and hoping someone can recommend me a descent stick... my synergy's flex is 110 and it's a modano curve, I think i'd be better off with something less stiff, but I'm all ears

sorry about the textbook :angry:

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I was just going to ask you if you had rocks for mitts, but it seems you've already acknowledged this...

I was also going to suggest that you go back to wood, so it's good to see you and I are on the same wavelength.

There are still some fine quality woodies out there, and I'd recommend anything by Sher-Wood. Try out the PMP7000, those are stiff enough, but not 110 stiff, while being relatively light (I feel anyway).

Otherwise, if weight is really a factor, Nike Zero-Gs I've heard good things about, but I've never seen one in my life. Apparently Toronto shops are allergic to them, and where I am now, no one plays hockey.

Bauers are decent.

Avoid THC (CCM/Jofa/Koho) sticks, as I feel they've gone to shit and are about as worthwhihle as a plastic cosom hockey stick.

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Montreal woodie stick where the best,been a while since i used a woodie but that was the best stick in my time (6 years ago)

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Montreal woodie stick where the best,been a while since i used a woodie but that was the best stick in my time (6 years ago)

Man, I remember when those sticks were hot with European players...I clearly remember the shot on Nicklas Lidstrom's RC with the red Montreal stick...I wanted one so badly...haha...

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