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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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this guy

Just a heads up

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I just got off of the phone with Pure Hockey (In Braintree MA-718-794-2910) and they do stock the nylon edition of the HGTs. The woman I spoke to even said they were on sale for 50$! She said they go fast though.

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I have them,and got them at Pure Hockey

Look in the Show It Off topic, for pics

SRI,yes they do have the pointy or angled Fingers

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I just got off of the phone with Pure Hockey (In Braintree MA-718-794-2910) and they do stock the nylon edition of the HGTs.  The woman I spoke to even said they were on sale for 50$!  She said they go fast though.

Most likely they are the first generation of HGT with the pointy fingers, instead of the now "blunt" fingers. Two totally different gloves.

I liked the pointy fingers a lot more than the new ones.

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