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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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baking or punching Graf's

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I just got a new pair of Supra 703's which fit great, but when they shipped them apparently they had some sort of zip tie around the ankle of the right skate so that its a bit narrower now than it should be. I've skated on them for 4 practices & a game, but its just reaking havoc on my right ankle, to the point that its getting swollen and very irritated.

Is it recommended to have Graf's baked? If so what temp/time works good for them? They were expensive so I really dont want to screw them up, but I dont want them to screw me up either. Or might punching be a better option?

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You can as well do it in your home oven. Do a search, you'll find some great howtos.

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if you go on marthastewart.com, she has great tips on how to make your 703s into a great souffle. :unsure:

all joking aside, in my opinion, there is too much of a risk to do damage to your skates baking them at home in your own oven. please go to your LHS and get it done properly. heck you might even need to get them punched out to get that right ankle problem cleared up.

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