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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Networking 2 Computers

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I've done a little bit of reading and it appears to be as easy as...

1. Cable from wall to modem (Cable Coax)

2. Modem to router (CAT5)

3. Router to each of the 2 machines (CAT5)

I can get the CAT5 from work...so all I'd need to buy is the router (what, $50 bucks or less?)...

Now, here is the part that may be difficult.

One machine will mostly likely be WinXP (yet to be purchased). The other is WinMe.

Will the sharing software be compatible (easily)? I know it is included as a Connection Wizard in XP...can't recall how it is packaged in Me.

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If you use the router you won't need the connection sharing via windows. Make sure you get a router with some firewall capabilities.

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I assume you mean the Interent Connection would automatically be shared...

Would printers/files/drives of the "main" machine automatically become shared as weel....or would those have to be designated as shared?

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You will have to designate them as shared. It's not too hard, though. Give the Windows help wizards a shot and if they don't help, let me know. I used to do that stuff for a living before I got into hockey gear as a profession instead of a hobby.

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Cool...my GF is needing to replace a machine, so she still hasn't decided what she'll be doing...when we get that far I'll let you know how it goes (Assuming she keps the network option open).

She wants to give the girls their own machine for MSN...because it keep F'ing up her machine.

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There are some cool things you can do to lock down a machine as well. I remember having to really put the clamps on a machine that I set up in the rec hall at the Little League World Series a few years back. The last thing anyone wanted was a scandal so they were pretty limited as to what they could do.

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Does anyone have an opinion on those eMachines (the ones Future Shop/Best Buy sell).

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Would this machine be trouble down the road???? I doubt upgrading is easy at all...probably lots of proprietary hardward and stuff...but if all we're doing is surfing, uploading digital pics from a camera and checking e-mail...how miuch upgrading will it need?

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Does anyone have an opinion on those eMachines (the ones Future Shop/Best Buy sell).

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Would this machine be trouble down the road???? I doubt upgrading is easy at all...probably lots of proprietary hardward and stuff...but if all we're doing is surfing, uploading digital pics from a camera and checking e-mail...how miuch upgrading will it need?

256MB or RAM seems a bit low for a new computer. You will probably want to upgrade that in the near future.

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But other than that....how reliable are these eMachines?

No worse than most of the other big brands. Most of the time you get a good one, from time to time you get a bad one.

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