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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ipod Shuffle Manual

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I dont have a clue how to work it and itunes, my mate just give me it without disks, manuals etc So could you please explain like how to put the songs i want on it and not autofill? also when i clicked on the wee shuffle icon thing in itunes it said that i had like 256(eg) used and 256(eg) left but there were no songs on the list, if that makes sense.

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First off, d/l iTunes if you haven't.

Off the top of my head, I think your friend had it set for data and that may be why you have memory taken but not songs. Once you d/l iTunes, you should be able to set it for music only.

As for the songs, make playlists and drag them into your iPod's name. That's all I do.

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Look on the light when you have it in. If it's amber/yellow, it's charging. Once it's green you're good to go. If it's flashing, you need to go to "my computer" and right-click on the ipod drive and "eject."

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Hey i have one more question about the shuffle, ya see when you put it in the usb port and it opens itunes, it says its linked to another itunes library and do i want to update all the songs and it says yes or no, well when i click yes it wipes the songs and when i click no the wee ipod symbol thing doesnt show, so the only way that the ipod symbol shows up is if i wipe all the songs, so wat im wondering is can i get it to show up in itunes without wiping the songs?

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That happened to mine. I ended up wiping them and having to re-do the whole damned thing, so hopefully you don't have to do that.

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