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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor XX gloves

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im in the market for new gloves because the palms on both my eagles are shredded. does anyone wear vapor XX's? im concerned they might be heavy going from eagles. i'd go with the vapor XXX's but im not crazy about a single layered palm (even if it comes with replacements.)

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The vapor xx will probly be a little bit heavier than your eagles but it wont be a crazy difference. It depends on what your looking for if you want nylon gloves get the vapor xxx and if you want leather go with the xx ( they are not real leather lol)

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i have them for 1 year now and they are still pretty good i would say 9.0 out of 10...very durable

and i've never understood people complaining about glove weight...nothing that will not make oyu buy them because they are too heavy!

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i most say i never experience a really dead feeling of a palm..but what i like with this palm is that it get really dry and are very SOFT!

When i had them in the store, they felt a bit tight and weird...but only after 1hours they felt like 2 time better...and they were now break-in!

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i most say i never experience a really dead feeling of a palm..but what i like with this palm is that it get really dry and are very SOFT!

When i had them in the store, they felt a bit tight and weird...but only after 1hours they felt like 2 time better...and they were now break-in!

do you use a grip stick?

have you used a pro nash palm?

I'm just curious if you like the feel, even if you have used nash and don't use a grip stick, just would be interesting.

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i only tried reg nash palm on the air easton glove..

I used a custom grip(L-2) and a SL grip shaft as back-up but my real fav stick is a xn10(no grip)

And i really do like the feel of it...the little palm at the tip of the finger are really nice! and beside this...i think the best in this palm is really the strech palm...it really give you soft palm...it would never feel like a hard stiff palm!

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