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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The Epic is a very light blocker next to the Bauer Vapor 2 wich is almost mind blowing. But IMO The Epic is beyond the best for comphert

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i might have to prder a new blocker. my brians dx2 blocke palm is startin to wear out alot.what is the best blocker out there?

Sounds to me like your problem is the palm. Do you use black tape by chance?

Anyways, most blocker palms are of nash material. If you want something more durable, there are other materials available.

I was impressed that DR was using real leather on their blockers. One of the guys who tapes his paddle/shaft junction started to complain about getting too much grip.

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you need some grip.... we scored on sunday and i usually give a little cheer... why not im on the ice too every one else gets to... so yes... i raised my stick in the air ... both arms up like an enthusiastic Yes! and boom! my stick went flyin in the air... slipped totally out of my hand... of course i caught it but thats another story for y'all

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