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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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sher-wood custom program

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i recently purchased a lefthanded 9950 SOP (special order pattern) "Fetzner" sher-wood stick, and i find it nasty. i want more, but obviously it can't be found at any local retailer. i called sher-wood hockey but could only leave a message, and they have yet to respond to their on-line prompt thingy. is it possible for me to order this stick from them using their custom program? and at what price (i think its like $35 per stick, 6 minumum) thanks!

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Correction, the minimum is 12 and if you could probably send that and they could match that sample.

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its 50 cdn a stick, min 12. sherwood will never answer you. you need to go trhoug hyour lhs. turn around is around 4-8 weeks

I called Sherwood and they answered, they probably just have certain hours. They said the price varies on the hockey shop you goto. Also what they told me was 2 1/2 - 3 weeks.

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i guess that might depends on your location, but based on my location, and lhs:

my 5030sop were 40 cdn each, 12 min

9950 sop were quoted 50 cdn each, 12 min

but that was before, might not be now.

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