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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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grip coating to grippy

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to be honest it might sound counterintuitive but if you candycane the shaft if might feel a little less grippy in your gloves. do that and a little baby powder in the palms and you may be able to get away with it. what shaft is it?

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try it both with candycane and babypowder and just babypowder and see which feels better. ive found that you can counter the grip a little with some tape, cuz you kinda feel the grip that the candycane would add more than the grip of the stick. anyways its worth a try. babypowder in the gloves and on the shaft will prob help too...if its really bad you can also try spraypainting it, that may take some of the grippiness away.

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i put a strip of masking tape on the under side of the shaft, so my hand would slide up and down, and grip when i squeezed..

worked out well... probably have to replace the tape every so often...

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On my Vapor XXX the grip seems to wear down a bit after some use. I took my tape knob off for the first time in a while and felt the grip under that and it was quite a bit more tacky than the rest of the shaft.

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