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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Snes emulators

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I was wondering if anyone knew of any good snes emulators. All the ones i download show up by they have no games in them. I don't know if i'm doing anything wrong but any help would be appreciated.

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If they work anything like the Amiga or C64 emulators you will have to dowload the games (roms) and bios files separately and then open them from the emulator. I´m not sure how experienced you are with emulators in general but I heard ZSNES or BSNES were the best for SNES.

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I got no idea. P2P would be a good idea or else try some google. I found hundreds of Amiga roms like that.

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If they work anything like the Amiga or C64 emulators you will have to dowload the games (roms) and bios files separately and then open them from the emulator. I´m not sure how experienced you are with emulators in general but I heard ZSNES or BSNES were the best for SNES.


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