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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Guest 2048

The coolest thing ever

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The picture from that website in Buffalo is the backyard of an attorney, Ross Cellino whose kids play (two of them). He custom built the rink and was inquiry at my LHS about buying their zamboni. Apparently he was thinkin about putting it indoors for all season.

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Guest Datsyuk*13

Theres one that is exactly like that that outside of my city but you guys say its in Edmonton? I think thats the one out side my city! I live in Regina Sask.

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chelios has an ice rink in his basement at his house in chicago. I skated on it when I went to his house for the cup party. They were selling it for 9million too. Not a bad shake...

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The picture from that website in Buffalo is the backyard of an attorney, Ross Cellino whose kids play (two of them). He custom built the rink and was inquiry at my LHS about buying their zamboni. Apparently he was thinkin about putting it indoors for all season.

Of Cellino and Barns with the cheesy comercials?

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Yea there thoes "Were you injured in a car accident? we'll get you money fast!" Guys. They have tons of money, they should have just built a real ice rink.

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Hey one of those rinks on that site shown is in the town right next to me, wouldn't surprise me, the town is extremely wealthy. Little did I know...

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I have been trying to convince my wife for years that we NEED this in our field. Dang if this does not show how right I am. :o

Im working on my wife now to put a inline sport court in our backyard(ice doesnt work in Florida), I have enough room, but she is pushing for a pool! I was thinking make her a deal for a pool and a half court for shooting and some stickhandling. We shall see! :D

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