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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bertuzzi penalty

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What do you guys think of tod bertuzzi? Im a avs fan and went to the game a few weeks ago and booed until my throat hurt. I also made a sighn that said coward and BOO-TUZZI.on the back. I think that the guy should have gotten a suspension for atleast a season or should be kicked out of the league. He is an imbaresment to the game and should have gotten a better unishment. What do you think?

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you should go to college, then law school, once youre all graduated take your degrees and become an attorney or work for the NHL. then you can try to do as you wish in regards to todd bertuzzi, untill then id leave the work up to the paid nhl officials and lawyers and judges

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Simply, the penalty cost them a chance at the Stanley Cup. He did not play anywhere least year, lost out on The World Cup and World Championships. If a Playoff game is worth 3 regular season games (which I believe is the *standard*) Then I think he's missed alot of time.

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