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XN10: C8 or C10

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I remember reading here about different versions of the XN10. Which one is better, the C8 or C10? In terms of durability, which one will hold up better?

Also, given the same price, would you choose the XN10 or the regular silver Synergy?


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c10 is the xn10

c8 is the regular repsonse

the regular synergy is probably a little more durable than the xn10

xn10 is built for high performance, light weight, around 395g?

synergy around 455g

if you want performance...xn10 but it is pp

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I'm sure I saw two XN10s, one with C-8 and the other with C-10. If I remember correctly, the C-8 stick is all black while the C-10 stick has some blue pain around the XN10 logo.

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I'm sure I saw two XN10s, one with C-8 and the other with C-10. If I remember correctly, the C-8 stick is all black while the C-10 stick has some blue pain around the XN10 logo.

The C8 models are early models, mostly pro stock. The official designation for the XN10 OPS is the C10.

Also, given the same price, would you choose the XN10 or the regular silver Synergy?

XN10 every time.

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So the C8 XN10s are better than the C10 XN10s?

I'll have to see if they have anymore C8s in my preferred curve.

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