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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New R7 Quad?

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I just wanted to know if anyone here had heard anything. I was at a golf show today, and one of the reps I was talking to said Taylormade is bringing out a new version of the R7 Quad out in December. Has anyone heard of this?

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not a big fan of the change the weight drivers out on the market.... i really don't know if they are, but with as high priced as the R7 was, i don't know if anyone really wants a new one..

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Taylormade has come out with a new r7 425 and 460 driver, an increase from the original 400 cc r7. The r7 425 is already in the hands of the big tour sponsers such as Sergio and Retief, but they probably will be widely available to the other tour players real soon. The 425 has a yellow line on the back, sort of like the SQ. I think it looks great... especially the new headcover and shaft!

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