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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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RBK 8k Skates

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Background- I am 6’ 185 lb and play 1 to 2 times per week in beer league and pickup games. Prior to purchasing the RBK 8K I was skating in Graf 727 Size 8W. I tried a number of different skates including Vapor XXX, Vector Pro, G3, etc… Actually I did not even originally consider the 8K but tried it on per the suggestion of the LHS.

Fit- The 8K has a wide forefoot with a relatively narrow heel which fits my foot perfectly. The fit is very comparable to my 727’s. The boot is stiff and has great ankle support. I have only skated in them 4 times but so far so good; no blisters or pain.

Blade/Holder- The holder is the new E-Blade with perforated blades. I believe the rocker is 9’ which is what I had my Cobras on the 727’s profiled at. Pitch seems to be more neutral than my Cobras were but it did not take much time to get used to.

Weight- This is a light skate although not as light as the Synergy 1300C, Vapor XXX or Vector Pro. This was not an issue to me.

Protection- I have only been hit in the foot once so far and did not feel a thing; definitely more protection than my 727’s.

Intangibles- Although some may consider the lace lock a gimmick, I like it. I prefer the bottom looser than the top of the skate and the lace lock distributes and maintains the different tensions.

Conclusion- The skate is very light with good support, good protection and most importantly fits my foot well. I would definitely recommend this skate.

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As I don't have a shop to try these on and looking to purchase a pair, is the arch comparable to very low, moderate, medium, or high? Thanks.

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If Sk8n says the arch is med-high I may have to run out and buy a pair while crying, "Where have you been all my life!"


(A Tacks guy looking for a bit more depth and higher arch.)

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I have never tried a skate where the arch bothered me so I have never compared arches between different skates. I personally have medium-high arches and the skate fits me great. Looking inside the skate I would say the arches are medium but since I have never focused on this area of skates before, I'll be honest and say this is a guess. Sorry I couldn't offer better info, anyone else out there care to anwer this?

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