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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Funny sales pitch

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Guest 2048
You presumably don't live in my neck of the woods and the one I went to is in a pretty skanky area.

That's a shame. You're in a college town and the hooters has fugly chicks?

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Well there's an asterisk on that one. The one near my house is stocked with hotness, but this was close to work. Filthy and when I went with one of my friends I came to find out he'd dated half of them and realised why we avoided that one as much as possible. WOOF. It goes along with my theory of strippers and Hooter's girls only looking good in their working environment. I see some of the, uh, working girls around campus and light's not their friend.

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I know a few chics that work at the local Hooters and there hot, my exgirlfriend was offered a job there but turned it down. I couldn't imagine going there and seeing ugly chics. Nothings better than going there with a few hockey buddies. They always had free bubble hockey but since got rid of it, I was so pissed when I saw it was gone.

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I don't know if NashvillePreds will remember, but this particular location is the Harding location which is just seedy to begin with.

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