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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Broken Skate Blade

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Well I got off the ice last night after practice, and when I was wiping the snow off my blade I noticed it was broken! It's not the first time this has happend either. A couple years ago it happend to both my blades on my other skates. Both pairs of skates were missions... Is this something that has to do with mission blades? What would do this? Lastly has this happend to anyone else?



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Mission blades used to have this problem alot that is why the old Mission skates came with a lifetime warranty on their blades however they eventually changed the steel and got better steel. All blades/holders break no matter what brand or model. Many times the blade break is a result from a puck hitting your blade. A puck that is travelling at say 100 mph will do some damage, when it hits your steel the puck isnt the one thats gonna give, its your steel. YOur steel would flex only to a certain point after which it would break. All manufactures give 1 year warranty from the purchase of the skate or replacement steel. Also, do not over tighten the bolts that are holding your steel, it causes more stress on your blade.

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I break a blade every 4-6 months. Being fat and playing defense, I tend to block a lot of shots with a skate blade. The most common time that I find breaks happen is when I am making a hard turn and catch a pass or a hard shot off the middle of the blade. The stress that the blade carries while you make a turn can make it vulnerable to breaks much more than when you are standing still etc.


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Mission blades used to have this problem alot that is why the old Mission skates came with a lifetime warranty on their blades however they eventually changed the steel and got better steel. All blades/holders break no matter what brand or model. Many times the blade break is a result from a puck hitting your blade. A puck that is travelling at say 100 mph will do some damage, when it hits your steel the puck isnt the one thats gonna give, its your steel. YOur steel would flex only to a certain point after which it would break. All manufactures give 1 year warranty from the purchase of the skate or replacement steel. Also, do not over tighten the bolts that are holding your steel, it causes more stress on your blade.

Actually when it came to Mission, the steel was not the question - it was the Drive Shaft on the Formula holders. The holder was stiff, but paired up with a composite outsole, it was TOO stiff and whenever the skate torqued it snapped the steel. They figured out this problem when the PureFly came out - that is why the F-Pro holder was the exact same thing but without the Drive Shaft. They kept the Drive Shaft holder with the plastic outsoles with no problems.

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Thanks a lot Justin, I'll call them tomorow... One more question, how will I go about getting the new blade profiled to match the other one? Will I be able to just give my LHS the other blade and have them be able to match it?

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