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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer XV shaft

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I'm using one as my primary stick now that my Inno Novius tapered shaft is resting in three pieces.

It's a good shaft, though I find that it's a bit smaller feeling than what I've been used to (L-2 and Novius). Seems to have some good pop, and I'm becoming acclimatized to it. The grip is nice...not too grippy at all.

Has a "harder" feel to it than the Inno or L-2 did. Not sure if I really like that or not, but that's just personal preference.

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like the shaft alot, but like you said it took some time to get accustomed to the smaller feeling dimensions of it. performs great tho.

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and weight wise?balance wise how is it? with a inno blade

I started using the XV shaft with an Inno (Kovalev) blade a couple of weeks ago. I think the balance on the XX is marginally better, but the XV/Inno is still better than any other two-piece I've used. I also liked the feel of the XX a little better, but shots seem to be harder with the XV (same flex). I know the shafts are essentially the same, but there is a difference in the taper (0.47" on the XX and 0.52" on the XV) and the XX blade is a little softer than the Inno, so that might be why the feel with the XX is just a little better than the XV/Inno. The reason I got the XV/Inno is because the XX's just break too quickly.

A side note: This has been mentioned in a couple of other posts, but the Kovalev is NOT identical to a Drury. Pretty close, but still required a little adjustment in shooting technique.

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