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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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SRS Review

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i recently came across a broken shaft and figured what the hell, i'll get it repaired.

went to prefect edge hockey in howell, mi.

frist impressions:

the staft repair was clean and unnoticiable. no epoxy on the outside. was exicted to try it out. but had to wait 5 days. the epxoy needed the time to fully cure.


the shaft was broken in the middle so the flex was affected. it was stiffer than the 110 it was rated at. too stiff for me. shots were still good though. it also was heavier than before due to the "plug".


can't say because the shaft broke again. it seems that the shaft was too weak for the "plug". the side blew out. though the "plug" was still intact. will be getting a refund on thrusday. the guys at prefect edge hockey said that they do about one a week and this is the first one that has broken.

sorry JR i know i told you you could try it out.


i would be careful in getting this done. my failure is do to the shaft being too weak not the "plug" itself. for a younger kid that is not as strong i think it would be ok. i think i would do this again if i had a stronger shaft. a friend of mine also had it done and has had no problems.

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