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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Best (SNES) Super Nintendo game!

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there were so many great games for that system. I was big into RPGs when i had my snes, so my favorites are chrono trigger and final fantasy III. For N64, definitely mario kart and goldeneye. Me and my friends lived for goldeneye. We got to the point where we knew where a guy would respawn after he died, it was insane.

My favorite trick: proximity mines on the ceiling :rolleyes:

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Looking back on it, Genesis dominated sports games but SNES probably had the better action/other games. Except for Mortal Kombat, because Genesis had the blood code and 6-button controller.

ABACABB if I remember it correctly.

My friends and I still play Super Mario Kart. I'm 20.

Last night I decided to play Super Metroid until I beat it.

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