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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer composite shaft, quick question

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I just bought a Bauer V composite shaft. Not the best shaft on the market, but I was looking for something cheap and quick.

I'm having problems getting the rubber/plastic stopper out of the end of the shaft so I could put a butt end in. After trying for about a half hour to get it out, I started wondering if it's supposed to be there.

Any ideas on how to get that thing out? I used pliers but the stopper just started ripping.

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Take a flat head screw driver and place it under the best you can and just twist it. Thats what i did to the one on my v120.

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Thanks, but I haven't been having much success with the screwdriver either. It's almost like it's in too deep, there's really nothing to grab at or pry.

While I'm here, any thoughts on this stick. I know it's far from top end, and it's not super light, but I was wondering if it was a decent stick for the money.

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Put a hair dryer to it to get the glues going in there. I'm betting that's what's causing your problems.

And to tell you if it's a competant stick for the price, we need to know what you paid for it. :P

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Put a hair dryer to it to get the glues going in there. I'm betting that's what's causing your problems.

And to tell you if it's a competant stick for the price, we need to know what you paid for it. :P

I didn't think there'd be glue in the stopper that came with the stick. Seemed like something you could just pop out. I probably sound like an idiot right now.

And I paid 35 US.

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For $35 that's probably a very good deal. My last composite (M1) cost me $150, and my next (XXX Lite) ~$200, so if you're happy with it, good for you.

Oh, and I think that it would have glue personally, so if someone doesn't wrap tape over the top, it doesn't ramdomply fall out when it shrinks from the cold.

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Put a hair dryer to it to get the glues going in there. I'm betting that's what's causing your problems.

And to tell you if it's a competant stick for the price, we need to know what you paid for it.  :P

I didn't think there'd be glue in the stopper that came with the stick. Seemed like something you could just pop out. I probably sound like an idiot right now.

And I paid 35 US.

A few manufacturers are starting to glue them in so they don't fall out during shipping. Glad to hear you got yours out.

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