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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vector 110 vs Endure

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GF wants to get me a stick for X-Mas.......I play mostly defense and spend most of my time beating the shit out of my stick......I'd like to try an OPS and these two seem to be popular for their durability. What do you guys think....other recommendations?

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i wish my g/f would buy me a stick for x-mas. i also need a new stick. how is the endure for prefromance?? is it as good as the SL or at least ST?

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Probably comperable to an ST, At least I would imagine. It's a touch heavier though.

For X-Mas I'm getting a Vapor XXX Lite. :D

And as for the V-110 blades, the texalium thing should have improved on that over the origional blade, no?

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i would love a XXX lite but with the way ive been breaking sticks i cant afford that expencive of a stick :( the weight doesnt consern me much, just as long as it lasts and preforms well.

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i would love a XXX lite but with the way ive been breaking sticks i cant afford that expencive of a stick :( the weight doesnt consern me much, just as long as it lasts and preforms well.

i score plenty with wood, even though id love to have a xxx

i think vecto 110 is the best bet. i really think its a really durable stick and the shots comes off pretty fast too

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Yeah, I do fine with my Sher-Woods as well, I just deteriorate the heel too much to quickly. Slappers do that to me. :(

That, and woods are a little heavy to be flinging over my head to get around people quickly.

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IMO, Depend if you like grip or not...i loved my 110 but couldn't get used to the non-grip stick...

I prefer the weight of the v110,the performance,and the recchi curve, and graphics are absoluty AWSOME(well in my opinion,peel off the ccm logo and just stay with the vector logo! haha)

Endure: Grippier,a bit more boxy if i remember, if it is like the xx blade, awsome feeling, and would be more easy to make a shaft with it if it break,but the p88 doesnt satisfy me very well so oh well...

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