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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Scottish Maple Leaf

Hockey shops in Toronto

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You should check out Toronto Hockey Repair, it's on Bloor Street and also very close to a subway (easy access for you). Google them and check out their website if you want, or search Goalieheaven on Ebay, it's the same place.

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i live in toronto and go to school at bloor and spadina but ive never been to the toronto hockey repair myself (i live up in the suburbs in north york). what kind of selection do they have there, and how is the pricing? i know they have alot of pro stock items on ebay

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its all about majer hockey for me. they moved out from the tiny pro shop in centennial (herbert carnegie) arena. best selection of grafs and they are great people

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THR (Toronto Hockey Repair) Has reorganised themselfs and is now quite organised i find.. They are still very overpriced but they are also extremly willing to haggle. Especially in the case of big purchases like Skates or Sticks.

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