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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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t-blade questions

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hi there,

first of all, i tried to search, but i couldnt find ANY topic, cause the search gave me 89 sites where the word "blade" appears. sorry.

im planning to buy ths t-blade system since its innovative and looks awesome.

ive heard that the feeling is a bit different, could you explain this to me ?

also, my cousin wants to play hockey and he could get a good deal for a skate which has already t-blades on it, should he get them or is it better to learn skating with traditional steel ?

thanks so far msh`ers

- Jones -

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Try Googling for: t'blade skates

I skated on them this summer. The only time I thought they felt different than real steel was during my first skate. Next skate I changed runners to a longer radius to match my real steel blades and they felt great.

If I was forced to change my stride to accomidate them, it was small enough that I didn't notice.

Some people here love t'blades, others hate them. I really don't have a preference.

No idea on which would be best to learn on.

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The biggest difference I found between traditional blades and my t'blades were the edges. I found i could take a longer more effecient stride with them and i could get all the blade. When I switched black to steel i noticed that my holders were hitting the ice alot but i was able to get better acceleration.

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