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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Cool Edit Pro

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Hey, im trying to make a backing track for my music class and im using Cool Edit Pro to remove the main guitar from In My Head by Queens Of The Stone Age but everytime i try to save the song after editing it it just plays the original song, so could someone help me please?

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I use CE/Adobe Audition every day, and I don't know of a feature that will remove specific instruments from a mixed file.

There is a Mid Channel remover that sometimes works to remove vocals (depending on hopw the original file was mixed) but I've never known it to do instruments.

What exactly have you tried so far?

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Im a complete newbie at this so ill try explain as best i can.

I pressed a button and the music only played in one speaker and the main guitar was gone leaving the bass, drums, rhythm guitar and vocals.

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Hmmm....I'm still confused. Is it possible that you've only highlighted on channel and the guitar parts you are talking about are only on one channel?

If that is the case, Go to Effects > Amplitude > Channel Mixer and Select "Both =" whatever side your currently playing.

Then save the file. Save a second copy of the song before you start this, just in case you (or I) mess this up.

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And people said splicing tape was too hard.

We learned tape first....which is sad, because I went to college in '95. I loved the bad double breath. Guys in school used to do it all the time.

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Im a complete newbie at this so ill try explain as best i can.

I pressed a button and the music only played in one speaker and the main guitar was gone leaving the bass, drums, rhythm guitar and vocals.

I downloaded it to hear what you're hearing....

I think that is it...Follow those instructions from my post above...and select Both=Left. I think the lead guitar is mixed heavy on the right. That should give you mostly the Bass/Rhythm/Drums/Vocal.

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There are all kinds of tricks and tools for doing vocal/instrument extraction from what I understand. I'm not sure what any of them are but that's how people are creating all these "mash-ups" you hear nowadays. Do a search for vocal or instrument extraction and see what you come up with.

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