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shoulder pads

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looking for new shoulder pads, what should i get? im looking for something reasonably priced and doesnt obstruct movement much. :o

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I've saw somewhere there were T-shirts like pads (Tour? Mission? Franklin? i dont remember).

In fact they were t-shirts with some padding on the front and on the back.

If you like "normal" pads you may try Easton ultra lite pads, i use them and they arent so "big" plus i think now you can find them for cheap

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i use the bauer 1000 should pads, they have alot of preotection and a not alot of money and they are alos not to big... i love them very much...b4 those i had the baure 5000 and there were just junk

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I've saw somewhere there were T-shirts like pads (Tour? Mission? Franklin? i dont remember).

In fact they were t-shirts with some padding on the front and on the back.

If you like "normal" pads you may try Easton ultra lite pads, i use them and they arent so "big" plus i think now you can find them for cheap

those are made by mission.(there black)the padding on them is minimal, they would work great for mens league or just pickup hockey but not for competitive hockey theyd be horrible

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Not true, half my highschool team uses little (pads with no caps or like 5030 like shouldys) or no shoulder protection and we play in a AAAA loop against big, good schools such as St. Mike's and SAC. Alot of guys hate the restriction, and plus it makes you look really tough, think about this, who looks tougher some guy with football like pads on or some crazy kid who doesn't even wear pads. Elbows are all you need.

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Not true, half my highschool team uses little (pads with no caps or like 5030 like shouldys) or no shoulder protection and we play in a AAAA loop against big, good schools such as St. Mike's and SAC. Alot of guys hate the restriction, and plus it makes you look really tough, think about this, who looks tougher some guy with football like pads on or some crazy kid who doesn't even wear pads. Elbows are all you need.

It's all about lookin tough.

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I'll stick to looking bigger than the other guy. :lol:

Indeed. I think someone who has big pads that make his frame look bigger, is a lot more intimidating mentally than a kid who wears nothing. Whenever I see someone who wears next to nothing, their usually gonna get a pad check from me.

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