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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Gaborik Curve alike Coffey?

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As the title states, is the Easton Gaborik curve comperable to a Sher-Wood Coffey curve?

I ask because I am coming from a Sher-Wood 7000, and am looking into either an Easton Stealth Grip or ST Grip (despite the green, I know...).


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Gaborik is definitly the closes thing to Coffey you´ll find in Easton. They are similar but I`d say the Coffey curve starts a little more towards the heel and is more evenly rounded or banana shaped while the Gaborik looks (from the pics I´ve seen) a little as if it has just been bent under a door right in the middle of the blade. Kind of triangular so to say.

Edit: Chadd is right. TPS Sundin is huge. I like it and, yes it is closer to the Coffey than the Gaborik is. It is also said to be a lie 5 but I think in reality it is a little higher. You can also compare it to the Inno McCarthy which is pretty much the same as the Sundin just with a little less loft and also a lie 5.

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I didnt know there was a TPS big curve, as coffey is a big mid curve i think.

3/4 inch for both and the same lie

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on paper theyre alike but i love the coffey curve and hated the gaborik , i dont know why either. i think its cause the gaborik curve is just a big hook , and the coffey is just a smooth big curve , hard to expain

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I like the look of that sundin curve. Looks like I'm back onto the plan of getting an XN10 or R2XN10 and an R2 blade.

Quick OT question: Do the XN10 and R2 versions perform the same? If they do, I'll get the 2-piece for sure.

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Well, I would rather get a tapered 2-piece if I go that route, and I haven't seen any XD blades floating around.

The momentums look a little Iffy to me for some reason. Maybe marketing has forced me to believe that more expensive is always better.

At any rate, looks like Sundin it is (I like the 5 lie a lot too, my Montreal 6 lie annoys the heck out of me).

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Well, I would rather get a tapered 2-piece if I go that route, and I haven't seen any XD blades floating around.

The momentums look a little Iffy to me for some reason. Maybe marketing has forced me to believe that more expensive is always better.

At any rate, looks like Sundin it is (I like the 5 lie a lot too, my Montreal 6 lie annoys the heck out of me).

I actually like my two piece XN10 better than my XN10 OPS. Personal preference I guess. You could get an R2XN10 and pair with either a TPS Sundin an S-W Coffey or an Inno McCarty. Basicaly all similar curves just different brands.

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Ive looked in the review section and i was thinking of maybe getting a TPS response+ but i wanted to know if it will perform as well as my L2 combo.

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does anyone know where you can get good photos of curves? coz the diagrams are always hard to see. anyone hav any photos? especially of easton - modano, sakic or bauer - p71?

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Any reason for liking the R2 over the OPS?

Just wondering because I can get either.

I feel that the TPS blades are not for me. (Other people on here described their feel as "ceramic") Inno blades I use are lighter than the TPS, also they feel more responsive and they give the two piece a better ballance than the OPS. That´s just a personal thing, though because I am using really short sticks and never use a butt end so that would be the reason why stuff often seems blade heavy or unballanced to me. Another thing I seem to notice is that the kickpoint on the 2-piece is a little lower than on the OPS. Maybe that is because the fusing process on the OPS makes it stiffer in that area? I could be totally wrong on that, though....I don´t know maybe it´s just a mental thing? I can´t really give you a neutral suggestion on this.

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coffey is a 5 lie, Gaborik is a 5.5

TPS Sundin is much closer to Coffey than Gaborik.

My Sher-Wood 7000 says Lie 5.5 right on the stick. :P

They used to be a 5, they must have changed it.

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why dont you just get a sher-wood momentum coffeey then or an easton z-bubble shaft with a coffeey blade in it if the curves working good for you?

Because the TPS XN10 sticks perform much better than either of them?

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why dont you just get a sher-wood momentum coffeey then or an easton z-bubble shaft with a coffeey blade in it if the curves working good for you?

Because the TPS XN10 sticks perform much better than either of them?

Heh, that too...

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