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Pant help/ opinions- Thick hip pads

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I am looking to retire my Sherwood Sher-Tek 7700s :( . I like pants that have sturdy/ thick/ large hip pads. I looked at a pair of the new Tacklas (can't remember the model, but it's new) when I paid a visit to JR at his shop, and they were nice. Something on the lighter side would be nice too. For reference, Bauer 6000 hips are too flimsy. Thanks in advance for your help.

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I've been in my Tackla 9000s for a while now and I love them. I had a customer who was trying them on and asked about the hip protection so I told her to raise her hands over her head, then wacked her across the hips with a stick. She started to complain then realized that she didn't feel a thing and ordered a pair in a different color on the spot. Just for the record, she's always in the shop. I wouldn't do that to someone I don't know.

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Good to know Chadd. I will wear a cup should I ever stop in just in case. I think the pants I saw were the Tackla Advantage 951s (at least the picture look like them). How do they compare to the 9000's? The Advantage is not on Montreal's web site.actackla951black0xy.th.jpg]Tacklas[

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Wicked go to tacklahockey.com. Not sure when it happened but Vaughn now owns/distributes them.

I believe Vaughn makes them and has canadian distribution rights, while Montreal has the US distribution rights.

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Good to know Chadd. I will wear a cup should I ever stop in just in case. I think the pants I saw were the Tackla Advantage 951s (at least the picture look like them). How do they compare to the 9000's? The Advantage is not on Montreal's web site.actackla951black0xy.th.jpg]Tacklas[

The 9000 is higher cut all the way around the top, it doesn't scoop down and then have a prominent pad in the spine. It's pretty level all the way around. I don't recall ever seeing the 951 so I have no idea how the padding compares.

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