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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tour Code 1 and wobbly wheels ?

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Well i got my Code 1 and there lovely apart the wobbly wheels. I cant understand it, the screw is done up fine, the bearings are ok but the wheels have side to side wobble. Is this meant to be ? Or design fault.

Will Tour do anything about it ?

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I noticed this problem only slightly with my original Cateye chassis. As soon as the Genesis wheel hub cracked, the wobblyness became more apprarent. But it was just a matter of changing out the wheels.


My Cateye was dented and I had to swap on an original Hum'r chassis and now at least 50% of the wheels are wobbly. It is EXTREMELY annoying. I had mini bearing wheels in at first, used the spacers I got with the Cateye chassis. The wheels were all wobbly, and became very loose after one game. I went home and put in regular sized bearing, with all new spacers, and it helped a bit, but there is still some wobbling.

I'm not sure if this is a spacer or a chassis issue. Has anyone else with the Hum'r noticed this? It is really annoying, as the wheels don't feel steady under your feet and the screws become loose easily. I have yet to skate on them again since that first skate after I put the new Hum'r chassis on. Very dissappointing since I paid 400 bucks, plus 98 for a new chassis. I contacted "Brad" at Tour almost a week ago and have not heard anything back. It is a Holiday, so I was just being patient. But a new season is starting and I'd like to get back onto my Tours.

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mine do the same thing. its really annoying. when im playing i dont realize it and im guessing it doesnt cause any skating problems, but as soon as i stop skating and move my foot around and feel and hear the wheels moving around i get real annoyed. i plan on putting in some diff wheels (when these r shot)with my BBS swiss regular size bearings to see if that takes care of the problem.

its real annoying because i LOVE a real solid feel when i hit my foot on the ground, but i dont think it effects your skating and how the skates work

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is it actual wobble in the wheel or are you just "seeing" it as the wheel spins?

most wheels look like they wobble when you spin them..especially as they wear down...

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In my case, the wheels can actually shift while in place. I have tightened them to the point where I cannot tighten them anymore. I'll grab a wheel, and it will actually shift back and forth in its position. Then I'll put the skate down on my concrete floor, and there is a very distinct loose clicking sound.

I won't skate in them until this problem is fixed. As I mentioned, I skated in one game under this condition, and 2 of the bolts came extremely loose. I don't want to lose a bolt, and/or a wheel in the middle of game play.

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The bearings in there now are BSB Swiss. They worked perfectly in my older pair of Missions with a Red Star frame. I also had the Bevo9 bearings that came with the Code1s in there too. Both are rattling.

I am positive this a spacer and/or chassis issue. Just haven't figured out which.

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lets hope its not a chassis issue...as i retrofitted my tours to the hum'mer chassis and would hate for my skates to be wobbly and not beable to do anything about it...

the leagues that i play in dont start until april....:S, so my blades are still unworn, and probably still will be until april... :(

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I noticed the rattling/wobbliness as soon as I put the first set of wheels on them (Rink Rat mini hub MB816) when they came back from Tour. Didn't have to play for them to show this wobbliness.

Alvi, have you put any wheels in them yet? Lemme know what happens when you do. I know quite a few other MSHers have done the retro fit, and nobody seems to have complained about the wobbliness, so I'm guessing this is just an isolated incident.

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i think it has somethign to do with the wheels and bearings. sometimes when i rotate my wheels, if i hold the wheel by the bearings, like pinch the wheel between 2 of my fingers just holding the center of the bearing i can move the wheel with my other hand side to side just like it feels when its on the skate. i didnt liek the mini bearings on my old VSIs either, i swapped them out rite away but i cant remember if i had a prob liek this with them....it was too long ago.

anyway i am gunna put some diff wheels with some normal size bearings when my wheels r shot and see if that fixes it

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How are these skates, I'm thinking about asking for these for xmas but the LHS around here don't sell anything roller so I can't try any models on. <_< Also, what type of feet do they fit, IE: Narrow heel, wider forefoot, pretty flat arch? Thanks.

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Tours seem to fit wide. I have wide, semi-flat feet and I have had no problems with them fit wise. They fit right outta the box.

BC- That shifting you mentioned is exactly what I'm talking about. Except the shifting is alot with mine. I don't get it though, I have them tightened alot and there is still room for them to shift. Wierd.

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i dont think making the bolt tighter will fix the prob. i think its due to the wheels housing for the bearing. the wheel housing cracks as everyone knows and i think bsides the cracking the wobbeling is another problem. its seems like the wheels plastic housing for the bearing is too big and the bearing moves around (but wont fall out, just a little bit of movement) i am pretty sure the wheels just suck. they are too new and have not worked out all the problems yet. it seems liek the longer i use the wheels the more they move and there r more of them that move. when i first got the skates they were all very tight. im sure with a new set of wheels and normal bearings it will b fixed

BTW those of u thinking about getting them....dont let this discourage you. they are great skates there is just a couple issues with the wheels, not the boot or anything else.

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I had this problem with my skates. I ordered the code-1's as soon as they came out and 7 out of 8 of the wheels had a wobble with them... some more then others. At first I was told by Tour it was probably a wheel issue. I contacted Labeda and they told me it was probably a spacer issue.

To make a long story short, I tried brand new spacers and it didn't do a thing. 2 of the hubs on my wheels had ended up cracking and I still had the "wobble." Labeda was nice enough to send me their new batch of Gensis wheels and I'm happy to say the wobble has gone away.

You can see the difference between the old and new wheels. The old wheel's outside hub is round and smooth. The new wheels outside hub has I believe 4 little mountains of more hub that are there to help strengthen the hub. It's hard to explain what it looks like... but if you have those ridges on the outside part of the hub then you have the new wheels. Along with that, I believe Labeda changed the hub spacing on the inside. None of my new wheels they sent me have the clicking noise and movement that nearly all my old wheels did. Hopefully this information helps.

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I noticed the rattling/wobbliness as soon as I put the first set of wheels on them (Rink Rat mini hub MB816) when they came back from Tour. Didn't have to play for them to show this wobbliness.

Alvi, have you put any wheels in them yet? Lemme know what happens when you do. I know quite a few other MSHers have done the retro fit, and nobody seems to have complained about the wobbliness, so I'm guessing this is just an isolated incident.

sorry, i wouldnt beable to answer you till about 3 weeks later, as i sent my skates back to home...im moved away for school, and will be back home for christmas holidays...i've actually yet to see my skates since i sent them out to be retrofitted :S, but my brother says they did a pretty good job - and too a big chunk out of the carbon fibre material from my fishbones <_<

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You guys keep mentioning the wobble with the Genesis wheels. I had that with them too. But the wobble still exists with the new set of RR MB816 wheels (mini bearings) and now with the red Dynasties (regular sized bearings) too.

That's what's confusing me. I have this wobble with 3 different sets of wheels. The only thing that is consistent with all these wheels is 1) the spacers I'm using 2) the Hum'r chassis.

The wobble wasn't that bad with the Cateye chassis. But now with the Hum'r it's horrible. I dunno. Sorry to sound like a broken record and keep repeating myself, it's just very frustrating knowing I have a pair of 400 dollar skates I can't use.

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I've thought about that option, but I like to eliminate all possibilities before becoming a screaming yelling consumer. At this point, I would like to rule out bad spacers as the cause. Once I can do that, that only leaves the chassis.

I called Tour about a week and half ago and have not gotten a response to date. I dunno, maybe I should contact Labeda since it's their chassis.

Luckily, I got a pair of 9500s I'm slowly breaking in ;)

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I have also put in some MB ??? and the wheel wobble is still there but no as pronounced. The only difference i can see is the spacer fits better on the rinkrats than that in the Labedas.

I will get our workshop man to turn up some that have better fit, to see if that helps the problem.

(Carbon fibre spacers here we come :) has anyone ever tried this before ? Just heat build i am worried about)

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