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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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graphite shafts, do the warp?

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graphite shafts, do the warp?

this used to be a problem with the old aluminum shaft, so you would have to flip them every time you changed the blade

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I think it was Buzz who complained of some TPS shafts warping on him. I've never had that problem with any high end comp shaft or OPS.

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By warping, do you mean becoming misshaped through water retention? Like a warped wood blade? Or do you mean, bowed? I know aluminums used to bow, that's why I ask.

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TPS shafts just seem more prone to this than others. I just think it is how they put their shafts together. Fact of the matter is their shafts perform great so it is a fair trade I suppose. It beats shafts that torque like mad or the other comp shaft pitfalls.

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