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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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True ones

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Is there a warrenty on these? If so how long and whats the wait like for the replacment

You dont buy a stick becuase it has a warranty.

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Anyone know what the 260 flex is an equivalent to , becuse ive seen the flex chart and im not sure about the flexes as ive seen fully grown men using a 90 flex equivalent in innovative and i like using the 100 flex easton and im just 15 so i wanted to know which flex i might like in inno?

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It's PP, My brother is 17 is has grown 1 inches and still growing in the last few months and he uses and an X-stiff in Bauer(about 110 flex) and uses real short stick and he loves it that way and the Slapshot and Snapshot is really their too. He is really strong with his wrist and forearm, so if you are pretty strong with your forearm and writs go with the 220 flex in Inno.

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but i cant find the inno true ones or 1100 in mcarty right handed 220 flex anywhere. On hockeyoutlet.com they list one but i emailed them and they dont have any 220 flexes. Does anyone know where i might be able to get one?

Unless theres bigger curves than McCarty in inno?

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tyr peranis.com, also just to let you know the warrior mack daddy is an upgraded true1. the pattern you will need to ask for is robatille. its the replacement for the mccarty. it is the same pattern just renamed.

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