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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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bauer vapor shift

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When did this skate come out? Never saw it on the bauer website. Saw it for the first time today. Said its stronger than the xx and it has a light speed 2. Is this new? Is this skate any good?

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When did this skate come out? Never saw it on the bauer website. Saw it for the first time today. Said its stronger than the xx and it has a light speed 2. Is this new? Is this skate any good?

Its an SMU.

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Is the skate any good or somthing to pass on? Im comming from my supreme 7000s and looking for new skates for after christmas and now im looking at the 8090s but might try the vapors. I have heard alot of not so great stuff about the vapors durability/

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8090s fit alot differently than the vapours, I couldn't fit in vapours so I got some 8090s and I used them for about 7 months before I grew out of them. They are still in perfect condition and they are alot nicer than the V12s im in now. 8090s are just awesome skates, very stiff, very durrable, and light all at the same time.

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haha deffinately man those first few weeks of skating were PAINFUL!

if you want something abit easier to break in and in a vapor itd be the shift. the 05 shift has the same lining as the XXX

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