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Best place to buy Tackla pants?

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I am just about due for a new pair of pants, I have been using Tackla for ever and want to stay with them. I want to compare prices and models before I buy them, but cant seem to find a good selection online. Tacklahockey.com doesnt have any pricing or links to retailers.

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I am just about due for a new pair of pants, I have been using Tackla for ever and want to stay with them. I want to compare prices and models before I buy them, but cant seem to find a good selection online. Tacklahockey.com doesnt have any pricing or links to retailers.

Just because you have been using tackla forever is not the best reason to continue with them. Why not try on some other brands, you may just like them better. When I was a kid, I use to LOVE Andre' champagne, it was great. Then of course, I tried Dom Peringon. From that day on, Andre' was pi$$water! :D

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I've tried on a couple of other brands, but wasnt impressed, and with my last pair lasting 8 years, I dont want to gamble on the durability issue. As for Champagne I work for Moet- Chandon, and apreciate you buying the Dom over the Andre' you are giving me job security. I plan on buying from a LHS, I just like to be a little more educated on whats out there and the prices before I go out and buy.

aamir212 Posted on Nov 28 2005, 08:21 PM

we carry a good selection of them at National Sports

There is a National in Windsor, but I havent been there in a while, maybe its time to take a trip over the boarder.

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heres a basic run down to make to make it easy for you

tackla 951-mid end pant, good for a person playin competitive hockey and still wants good protection but more mobility, 2-buckle system no lace at all, zipper on inner thigh

tackla 9000-beefier pant, more expensive,pro level protection,for a person worried more about protection. single buckle and lace up system, zipper on inner thigh

bot pants also have a piece of padding on the back, the 9000 there padding is on the outside where the 951 its on the inside. the 951 generally around 140Cad and the 9000 over 200 generally Cad

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Thnks sogaduch, At 33 I dont play check hockey anymore. I think the 951 is what I will be going for being I dont need all the pro-level protection.

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I just recived a pair of Tackla 951's last week from "The Hockey Shop.COM" They said i got the last pair "Black size 54" but they might have some more in now. Also "The hockey shop.NET" sell Tackla 951's but they said they wont have anymore untill december.

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Thnks sogaduch, At 33 I dont play check hockey anymore. I think the 951 is what I will be going for being I dont need all the pro-level protection.

np man also tacklas now doing for stores 951 longs meaning if your like 5'11 and your a bean pole instead of getting a pant too wide in the waist you can get your proper waist size but the legs will be longer

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