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DDR pc2700 dimm question

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I have a laptop would like to get it upgrade it...pc2700 ddr... do i need 2x each memory or 1 sodimm can be okay?

Exemple: 512mb sodimm ddr pc2700+512mb

or 1024mb alone

3. 1024mb plus one of my 256mb ddr 2700

Any idea??

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Doesn't it depend on the model/make of the computer as to the slot/MB? That particular slot/MB may not be able to handle a stick of 1024 in a single slot.

I'd say go to Corsair Memory, use the "find the perfect memory for your system" and go with something similar to what they suggest for your laptop.

Or maybe try going to the site for your laptop manufacturer and downloading the manual or specs and see what the max limit is per slot.

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Whee, my field of knowledge.

Alright, what Make/Model of laptop is it and what badwidth does it use for memory? IE> Is it dual or single channel. Assuming it's dual, get 5x 512mb. That will give you the 128bit bandwidth. 1x 1024 will be fine if it only has single channel or 64-bit memory bandwidth. Some HP and Compaq models however, advertise Dual-Channel memory busses, while only actully providing a 64-bit pathway.

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Well i know my laptop is pc2700 and has 2x 256mb sodimm

My max memory is 1500 but i'M pretty sure it is 2gig , but i dont have my manual with me...

What i whanted to know is...with DDR MEMORY do you need to have 2x the same barett like 2x 512mb to have 1024mb or you can have a single barett of 1024mb...that way i could have 1024mb + one of my 256mb barett and sell the other for like 20$ on ebay...lol

any idea?? because this thing is for my wish-list...and i prefer a single dimm than 2-512mb...

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What processor do you have in there and what socket?

On some running dual channel ram has a huge impact on performance, sometimes up to 15 - 20% (Mainly Intel-based systems, AMD less than that, a lot less...) and makes it definately worth it.

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I have a Sempron 3.2+ with 512 pc2700, with a shared xpress 200m 128mb radeon, and a 60gig 4200rpm(but i'M not very interesting in changing my HD)

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