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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pro stock si-cores

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the only thing that sucks is they only carry 100 flex- 110-- never any 85's..  I wonder why that is.

earlier in the summer, we carried 85flx Sakics and they went in like a week

Yeah, the day that SportChek first started blowing out the Si-Cores, I went down to the Eaton Centre store. They had a bunch of Sakic and Shanahans (I think) in 85. I bought a Sakic. All the 85s were sold out by later that night, at that store for sure, and at a few others by the next day. My Sakic still remains unused in my basement, though - I'm one of those guys who can't resist a good sale even if I don't need or even want the item ! The sad thing is that at that point I knew I hated the Sakic curve, but convinced myself that at that price, I'd be stupid not to give it another shot....

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It is 5.5

Awesome... Now, what brand does Jim Campbell use? Easton?

The t-flex blade I have is Easton. I'll get a pic when I get time (spring maybe?) and you can have it if you want to use it for customs. I cracked the tenon the first time I used it.

Awesome! Thanks, Chadd!

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